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Archive for the ‘Italy’ Category

Help the Cinque terre – Italy

Posted by Monica on October 29, 2011

Before the Devastating flooding, the eastern Ligurian Riviera between Cinque Terre and Porto Venere was a cultural site of outstanding value, representing the harmonious interaction between man and nature to produce a landscape of exceptional scenic quality that illustrates a traditional way of life that has existed for 1,000 years and continues to play an important socio-economic role in the life of the community.

Please, help the Cinque Terre to be the Unesco World Heritage again

-The town of Monterosso has set up an account:
IBAN: IT64W0603049870000046275829
HEADING: “Un aiuto per Monterosso e Vernazza”
CAUSAL: “Alluvionati 5 Terre”
IBAN: IT11 Y061 7501 4000 0000 3452 080
CAB: 01400
HEADING: Società Edizioni e Pubblicazioni (S.E.P.) Spa
CAUSAL: “Alluvione Spezia”


IF YOU LIVE IN ITALY or if you have an Italian sim card
– È possibile inviare un SMS al numero 45500 per donare 2 euro per le persone colpite dalle inondazioni in Vernazza e Monterosso.
(YOU CAN SEND AN SMS TO THE NUMBER 45500 to donate 2 euro to those affected by the floods in Vernazza and Monterosso.)
– Si può anche donare per ricostruire la scuola elementare e media di Monterosso, donando a questo conto corrente bancario (You can also donate to reconstruct the elementary and middle school of Monterosso by donating to this bank account – CODICE IBAN IT 07 U 02008 09432 000101739561)
– You can donate through the San Paolo bank – IBAN IT 80 O 03069 05061 100000000567 «Un aiuto subito. Alluvione Levante ligure e Lunigiana» presso Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, filiale di Roma, viale Lina Cavalieri 236
– Or through the account that the Genoese newspaper ‘Il Secolo XIX’ has set up – IBAN IT11 Y061 7501 4000 0000 3452 080, specificando come causale “alluvione Spezia”. Il conto corrente è intestato a Società Edizioni e Pubblicazioni (S.E.P.) Spa.


Posted in Italian for foreigners, Italy | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »

The Week of Culture 2009

Posted by Monica on April 16, 2009

Finalmente abbiamo le date:   April 18th – April 26th!

settimanadellacultura2009Next week will start the

“Settimana della Cultura 2009″ : as every year, the Week of Culture organised by the Italian Ministry of Culture is coming with a lot of free events in Rome and in all Italy. Not only country’s state museums and archaeological sites, but also architecture, cinema, music, painting and sculpture are for free for everyone.

Look at the official web site

You can phone to + 39 06 06 06, that is a multilanguage service or + 39 066723.2635 .2390 .2851



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fino al 14 settembre – cosa vedere a Roma

Posted by Monica on September 5, 2008

Ciao, io vado in vacanza per un paio di settimane, ma cercherò di tenere aggiornato il blog grazie all’opzione che permette di pubblicare gli articoli in date diverse da quella in cui sono stati scritti.

Per chi vive o studia a Roma vorrei ricordare che ci sono alcune mostre interessanti che stanno per finire.

Vi segnalo quelle che finiranno il 14 settembre:

Se siete interessati al periodo classico, al Colosseo rimarrà ancora per pochi giorni, “Trionfi romani” , che illustra il significato del “trionfo romano” e racconta come si svolgevano le cerimonie per i festeggiamenti, con analisi iconografiche attraverso rilievi, bronzi, monete, sculture, pitture (Info 0639967700; h8,30-19 €11, rid. €6,50).

Chi invece preferisce il Rinascimento, alla Galleria Borghese, piazzale S. Borghese 5

Oltre all’esposizione permanente, in cui potrete vedere famosissime e bellissime sculture come l’”Apollo e Dafne” e il “Davide” di Gian Lorenzo Bernini, fino al 14 settembre potrete ammirare la prima mostra monografica dedicata a Correggio (1489 – 1534), uno dei maestri del Rinascimento (Info 0632810; Mar-dom h9-19. €10,50 )

In un ambiente Classico coma l’Ara Pacis un artista del ‘900: Jean Prouvé. La poetica dell’oggetto tecnico

Le creazioni di uno degli artisti che maggiormente hanno determinato l’evoluzione del design. Una mostra che espone cento opere provenienti dal Vitra Design Museum, dal Centre Pompidou e da collezioni private (Info 060608 ; Mar-dom h9-19. €6,50, rid. €4,50).

Ancora più moderne altre due esposizioni:

La mostra fotografica: Vietnam Fotografie di guerra di Enzo Jacobucci al Museo di Roma in Trastevere.

120 fotografie del fotoreporter abruzzese che a causa dei contenuti delle opere esposte, la visione della mostra è consigliata ad un pubblico adulto (Info 060608; Mar-dom h10-20. €5,50, rid. €4).

e al Palazzo delle Esposizioni, la 15a Quadriennale di Roma. Cento artisti per capire dove va l’arte contemporanea italiana (Info 069774531; Dom-gio h11-21; ven-sab h11-23,30. €8, rid. €6,50).

Non perdete gli ultimi concerti Jazz all’aperto:

A Villa Celimontana il Jazz Festival dal 1994 è un appuntamento imperdibile per chi ama il jazz (Info 0677202256).

Non dimenticate il teatro: al Silvano Toti Globe Theatre, Largo Aqua Felix, Villa Borghese (ingresso Piazzale delle Canestre),  Il mercante di Venezia (Info 060608; dal 30 agosto 2008 al 14 settembre, ore 21.15)

La struttura circolare del teatro in legno, ricalca fedelmente il modello del Globe originale: una visiona d’altri tempi 😉

Posted in Art, Arte, Italy, Links, music, photography, Rome, Tourism, Travel | 4 Comments »

Learn Italian calendar: Ferragosto an Italian holiday!

Posted by Monica on August 16, 2008

[read in Italian- leggi in italiano]

What is the meaning of Ferragosto? The 15th August is called “Ferragosto” from Latin “Feriae Augusti” = “the rest of August”, in honor of Octavian Augustus (from which derives the name of the month August). “Ferragosto” has ancient origins: it was a day off, the time for resting and thanksgiving for the fruits received from the ground but in 18BC were called “Feriae Augusti”. On “Ferragosto” the workers had the rest and used to receive a tip from the master.
After the fall of Roman Empire the Church transformed the Ferragosto, it became the “Assunzione” (the Assumption, one of the dogmas of Catholicism).
Keep in mind, when a holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, most of Italians “fanno il ponte” (literally, they make a bridge), or make a four-day holiday, by taking off the intervening Monday or Friday.

Buon ponte di Ferragosto!

Posted in Italian, Italian holidays, Italy, learn Italian, learn Italian on line, Travel | Tagged: | 3 Comments »

Italian tiramisù: a tipical Italian dessert

Posted by Monica on May 4, 2008

Last week Susan, a student of mine who lives here in Rome, made a “tiramisù”, so I have realized that you don’t have my tiramisù recipe.

I wrote for you the recipes (in Italian and in English). In Italian I wrote it in second person (= you singular), but I also used imperative, pronouns and a subjuntive, so you can practise a little bit of Italian.

The recipe is on “Italian recipes” page, try it and enjoy it!

Take care 😉

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Posted in Cooking, Italian, Italy, Recipes | Tagged: , | 2 Comments »

Come to Rome and enjoy Italian culture

Posted by Monica Corrias on April 13, 2008

Ciao, why come to Rome? As you know there are a lot of good reasons to come here, first of all the opportunity to cultural exchange in a city steeped in history and culture. Now there is a new good occasion: from April 4th to May 25th the “FotoGrafia-Rome’s International Festival” seventh edition, titled “Seeing normality. Photography portrays daily life” and sponsored by the Municipality of Rome.
If you like photography and you want to visit Rome important museum, I suggest you don’t miss this opportunity! There are many free exhibitions of Italian and international photographers around the city and you could speak and listen to Italian.

– In the meanwhile, to improve your Italian I posted a new piece of information about Italian future tense [click here]

and some links to listen to Italian songs using the future tense: “Un senso” di Vasco Rossi; “Meravigliosa creatura” di Gianna Nannini; “Oh che sarà” di Ivano Fossati con Fiorella Mannoia; “Un altro mare” dei Tiromancino; “Ti insegnerò” di Povia

Posted in Classes, Italian Grammar, Italian language, Italian language school, Italienisch, Italienische Sprache, Italy, Kurse, photography, Rome, Tourism | Tagged: , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Enjoy Italian culture – 16^ Giornata FAI 4 e 5 aprile

Posted by Monica on April 4, 2008

Thanks to FAI Heritage Site Meetings, the Foundation does not merely protect its properties but, through growing public participation, helps bring them back to life as in the past. Every year, starting in Spring, FAI Heritage Sites come to life through an impressive and varied range of events: shows-markets for flowers, traditional products, crafts, regional gastronomic specialities, exhibitions of rare and unusual objects, festivals, workshops for children, performances, open-air films…[>>>]

Il 4 e 5 aprile 2008, da Milano a Roma, da Venezia a Firenze, da Bari a Palermo: 550 beni in 240 città italiane aprono al pubblico in occasione della XVI Edizione della Giornata FAI di Primavera. Un grande spettacolo di arte e bellezza dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno a cuore il patrimonio storico, artistico e naturale del nostro Paese. [continua sul sito del FAI>>>]

Posted in Art, Arte, Italy, Tourism, Travel | 2 Comments »

Italian future with songs and videos

Posted by Monica Corrias on March 17, 2008

\ . .Questa estate andrò al mare, nello stesso posto in cui (= dove) sono già stata 2 anni fa. Bel modo di pensare al futuro e alla grammatica italiana, no?

.. Ogni tanto inserirò una foto, così potrete conoscere meglio questo posto meraviglioso.

Hi, I’m here again!

How are you? I’m fine now.

Here in Rome is a sunny day and I’m thinking of writing a new piece of information about Italian grammar. In fact, if you are considering to come to Italy during summer holidays, you could start to learn Italian here on line. So, in summer you’ll be sure to study easier and in a relaxing way, practicing what you learn here with me and in the classroom at school, and you’ll enjoy the afternoons and the nights in Italy.

An advice: “don’t miss out on this opportunity!”

Let’s study now! What about future tense?
Of course you could say “Why?”
Good questions! As you know, in every-day life we usually prefer to use present tense instead of future tense, but we also use the future. I’ll tell you how!

But first I suggest you to look at the conjugation

Then I’ll explain to you how the future tense works.

Use the link to learn “il futuro” and to listen to Italian songs (and watch free music videos), that use this tense (search the links in the page “italian classes”).

Enjoy the lesson! Divertitevi!

Posted in Classes, Italian for foreigners, Italian Grammar, Italian language, Italien, Italienische Sprache, Italy, Learning Italian, Travel | Leave a Comment »

The “X Week of Culture”

Posted by Monica on March 17, 2008

X Week of Culture - 2008 The “X Week of Culture”: March 25-31, 2008

During my favorite event in Rome and in all Italy, the “Week of Culture”, the entrance to public museums, monuments and archaeological sites will be free. But not only country’s state museums and archaeological sites, also architecture, music, painting and sculpture are for free for everyone.

If they require a reservation it may be impossible to get one at the last minute, so phone for reservation!

For information on events in Rome you can phone to + 39 060606, or +39 060608 (multilanguage tourist service).

Enjoy free culture in Rome and Italy!

Posted in Art, Arte, Italien, Italy, Rome, Tourism, Travel | 1 Comment »

Flickr account

Posted by Monica on January 14, 2008

Avete notato che ho un account di Flickr/Yahoo? Il link è nella colonna di sinistra. Se anche voi lo usate per postare le vostre foto, segnalatemelo!
Ciao, buon proseguimento di giornata (o serata, dipende dal vostro fuso orario).

Posted in Italien, Italy, photos, Tourism, Travel | Leave a Comment »